jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Forks and La Push

Hello again!

Some years ago we started to observe a growing phenomenon:  the Twilight saga. This story composed of four books and five movies has awakened a big fanaticism between people, especially amongst teenagers. The big repercussion of the saga has made that the places where the story developed nowadays have become famous. These famous places are basically two: Forks and la Push.

Forks is a city located in Washington. Until some years ago this city was totally unknown for many people until it appeared in the successful books written by Stephanie Meyer. Since that day thousands of tourists have visited this small area to feel the atmosphere where Edward Cullen and Bella Swan fell in love. This obviously has had a big influence in the cities tourism and people have known how to take advantage of this fact.

In Forks you can visit places like the Cullen’s’ House, the police station where Bella’s father works, their High School, the hospital and Bella’s house. But this isn’t all. In Forks there is a hostel named officially The Miller Tree Inn Bed & Breakfast, but it is mostly known as the Cullen’s House. The name of this hostel is extremely similar to the description that the writer makes in the book about the vampires house. Since the description is very similar to the house, the owners decided to take advantage of this fact by making reforms and making the house even more similar to the book’s description. For example they copied the graduation hats that we can see hanging on the wall of the Cullen’s house in the film. 

However, the tourist attractions don’t end here. Many restaurants currently elaborate special meals dedicated to the characters of the books and movies such as: the Werewolf burger, Vampire snake, Swan Sandwich, Bella burger… and in the city you can also see elements of the film such as Bella’s truck. 

The other famous place is La Push, located also in Washington near from Forks. In this region inhabit the Quileute. This location is famous for being the place where Jacob and his friends live in the book saga. Many people visit this place because of one of their beaches: First Beach, where Jacob shares with Bella some Quileute legends. Before you enter to the Push you can also see a poster with the next message: No vampires beyond this point.

Thanks to the Twilight saga and his writer many of us nowadays know about places like Forks or La Push. In these places tourism in the last years has increased, and the business established on these areas has known how to take advantage of this. They have transformed the city a little bit making it look similar to the book and attracting many more tourists that wouldn’t doubt going and visiting the places where Jacob, Edward and Bella lived all their story.

1 comentario:

  1. It's wonderfull that the twilight fans can visit the zone where the movies were filmed!
    Good job!
